A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit:The Half-Century Romance of Hu Shi and Edith Clifford Williams會員獨享 博客來

A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit portrays the unconventional love between a Chinese social reformer and an American avant-garde artist.

Hu Shi was a student at Cornell when he first met Edith Clifford Williams. They exchanged some 300 letters between 1914 and 1962; these, alongside Hu’s diaries, poems and other correspondence, provide the substance of this book. In Williams, Hu met his intellectual match. She helped him reconcile his self-image as an independent thinker with his acquiescence to an arranged marriage. Best known for his contribution to China’s Literary Revolution, Hu’s experimental vernacular poetry was partly inspired by his exposure to Williams’s avant-garde art.

In reconstructing their romance, the authors deftly exemplify the dilemmas which confronted a generation of Chinese intellectuals, particularly those educated in the West. Although Hu shared his contemporaries’ patriotic hopes for China, he never subscribed to the prevailing博客來書店 ideology. Sustained by Williams’s unflinching honesty, he advocated John Dewey’s pragmatic approach, one which has recently regained acceptance in China.

博客來網路書局博客來Although the romantic ardor dwindle博客來網路書店歡迎您d, the two retained, in each other’s eyes, an image of their idealistic youth.


Susan Chan Egan is an independent scholar based in Santa Barbara, California. She is the author of A Latterday Confucian: Reminiscences of William Hung 1893–1980 and co-t博客來網路書店ranslator of The Song of Everlasting Sorrow.

Chih-p’ing Chou is Professor of East Asian Studies at Princeton University.

  • 出版社:香港中文大學    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2009/04/01
  • 語言:英文

幻想即興曲 偵探響季姊妹:蕭邦篇








天使之血:化學花園 2

A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit:The Half-Century Romance of Hu Shi and Edith Clifford Williams會員獨享

A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit:The Half-Century Romance of Hu Shi and Edith Clifford Williams會員獨享推薦,A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit:The Half-Century Romance of Hu Shi and Edith Clifford Williams會員獨享討論A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit:The Half-Century Romance of Hu Shi and Edith Clifford Williams會員獨享比較評比,A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit:The Half-Century Romance of Hu Shi and Edith Clifford Williams會員獨享開箱文,A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit:The Half-Century Romance of Hu Shi and Edith Clifford Williams會員獨享部落客
A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit:The Half-Century Romance of Hu Shi and Edith Clifford Williams會員獨享
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A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit:The Half-Century Romance of Hu Shi and Edith Clifford Williams會員獨享


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